  • Participants take an in-depth look at dangerous and flammable materials. People learn how fires occur, phases of a fire, PPE, fire protection systems, prevention, ERP, extinguishers, fire watch duties and more. There is a focus on practical skills development. Download Outline
  • The focus is on workplace hazard definition, detection, prevention and corrective measures. Participants are guided through the identification, evaluation, and control of environmental, physical and psychological hazards. This course explains what participants need to know to stay safe when encountering a workplace hazard. The hazard assessment, corrective actions and FLRA activities are practical applications of the skills reviewed and learned as a group and individually. Download Outline
  • Process Safety Management focuses on addressing concerns of process risks that includes recognition of process and worker’s workplace hazards, detection, prevention and corrective measures and identifies elements that may also impact OHS concerns. Participants are guided through the identification, evaluation and control of environmental, physical and psychological hazards and recognition of process safety activities that contribute to process safety risks. There are group and individual practical application activities that include utilizing hazard assessment, corrective actions and FLRA as a part of risk management plan necessary to process safety management. Download Outline
  • This course details transportation of dangerous goods legislation, characteristics and classifications, the importance of safety training, requirements of who MUST have training, safety marks and handling standards, rail requirements, the Globally Harmonized System and uses Schedules 1, 2 and 3 for shipping exercise. Download Outline
  • This course includes a comprehensive review of workplace hazardous materials classifications, labelling and identification under the 16 part SDS, worker, employer and supplier responsabilities, the Globally Harmonized System (2015) and Canada’s role in it. Download Outline
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